Within S4AllCities a solution comprising of three digital twins is being developed, each bringing an additional and complementary level of intelligence for enhancing the safety and security of public spaces in smart cities. These are: i) the Distributed Edge Computing IoT Platform (DECIoT), responsible for the intelligent edge processing of sensor observations & measurements; ii) the Malicious Actions Information Detection System (MAIDS), responsible for machine detection and intelligent understanding of behavior, and iii) the Augmented Context Management System (ACMS), responsible for the augmented reality and intelligence under a Common Operational Picture.

EXUS is developing the Early Warning and Alert Raising Engine (EWARE), which sits at the intersection of the MAIDS and ACMS twins. Security operators face the challenge of parsing through the massive amounts of data coming from heterogeneous sources and relating to a range of diverse security threats. If realized, these threats then require quick and informed reactions. EWARE is designed and developed to facilitate this process.
EWARE is responsible for combining and analyzing information coming from sensors and other situational awareness layer (low-level information fusion) with contextual information concerning a security incident. This contextual information is based on existing operational (native) knowledge, results from simulations, risk analysis tools and any other decision support module of the ACMS digital twin. The resulted output is fed to the Command and Control Center in order to provides a more holistic view on the security incident an assist the operator’s decision-making process.
In collaboration with the cities hosting the pilots, a list of potential security threats that can be identified through the sensor network deployed by S4AllCities has been developed, and we are currently building the native knowledge database with appropriate responses by responsible authorities for each threat. Auxiliary message handling services have been developed to efficiently communicate and log information.