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Community Policing Tool: A Next Generation Intelligence Reporting Platform

Protection against human threats and insecurity is one of the main foundations of any society’s function. Practically, any aspect of human/social life is to some extent affected by security threats, disasters and related resilience and protection issues. Fighting crime and threats to human life can be significantly enhanced and efficient with the use of new technologies and capabilities. The protection of EU citizens requires the development of systems, equipment, tools, processes and methods for rapid reaction times as well as filtering the level of emergency, thus allocating human resources efficiently.

Having identified the European need for intelligent incident management systems that are affordable, easy to use and customizable, ADDITESS has developed CPOL (the Community Policing Tool), a Next Generation Intelligence Reporting Platform which constitutes a smart novel reporting system that allows citizens to send audio, photo and video messages, with accurate geolocation, to the authorities rapidly.

The current CPOL solution is a bilateral communication platform composed of two main interfaces. The central web-based incident management system for use by the authorities such as Municipality’s officers, Neighbourhood watchers, Law Enforcement Agency, etc. and the mobile application for use by citizens and field officers.

The CPOL platform incorporates a variety of tools, technologies and features that support the operation of a Smart City and within this project are expected to be enhanced with novel features, in order to accommodate further operational needs. It provides multimedia-based communication between field officers, the public and authorities, resulting in a faster and more reliable access to information and a decrease in the number of situations in which field officers act without information.

The aim of utilizing CPOL as a part of the whole S4AllCities product is to enhance it with additional novel features, and make the user feel that their input and safety is of value & that they form an integral part of the system where they can effectively use it. Finally, a component like CPOL should be integrated in all the Smart Cities across Europe!



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