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S4AllCities Technology kicking off

Updated: Dec 23, 2020

Last weeks of 2020 has been full of activity in S4AllCities! The end of 2020 has meant the starting point of the main activities of the technology development. We have had our main technical kick-off meeting and all the technical work packages (not less than the twins between them!) are going to have their own kick-offs the last two weeks of December or the first two weeks of January. Technology in S4AllCities is now on the move!

But let’s put things in perspective. S4AllCities is a very exciting project, where there is not really time for rest. We have just 24 months to develop a very ambitious approach to the smart cities’ problematics. This includes no less than three pilots starting during second year of the project. At the end of the day, the time for creating the magic is reduced to less than 8 months! So, we better run.

And so, we have run; the technology stated almost from day zero with use cases and requirements. Now all the user requirements have been discussed and explained in meetings between final users and technical partners, and, what is more important, we have already faced the two main “walls” of any project; what the user really mean and what the technology can really offer taking into account user´s necessities, the project proposal, the available resources and the time we have.

The project has gathered momentum. With the new year we will start with a big push. January will start with all work packages already working. Discussion is now on the move about the real meaning of the tasks and technologies, the how-to-put-it-together and the big sacred cow of the Architecture (with capitals) that will save us from the abysms of integration.

Next stop; the architecture itself with, in parallel, all the technical work packages defining and starting to build real things. Summer of integration is coming!

See you in the cities


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