1. Airborne sensing platforms
1.1 UAV
The purpose of UAV component in S4AllCities is two-fold. On the one hand we have the integration of UAV video feeds as aerial electro-optical and thermal sensors for video processing and on the other hand the coordination and integration of UAV missions to the platform.
1.2 UAV Video Proxy:
The purpose of the UAV Video Proxy module is to provide a uniform video interface for any type of UAV platform and sensor. As the destination of video will be the analytics component, two configurations will be supported by the S4AllCities solution. The first one is a local processing unit (analytics component) while the second option is a remote processing unit. Despite the selection of each approach, the Ground Control Station will provide different interfaces of UAV video feeds.
· Video Input
o IP stream
o Analog
· Video Output
o RTSP Stream
o Configured Encoding
o Configured Resolution
o Other formats
1.3 Task-Based Guidance (TBG):
The Task-Based Guidance is an intelligence web-based component for the coordination of UAV teams, platforms and sensor configuration. In particular, TBG can be considered as a decision support system for the selection of the appropriate Mini-UAV platform (platform, payload, communication) and ground control station (GCS) based on several criteria including the mission analysis (path, time, covered distance, range), GCS locations, risk metrics and specifications of the equipment.
As we already mention, the main purpose of TBG is the integration and coordination of UAV teams within the S4AllCities. The COP (Security Operator) can send UAV Orders to the TBG requesting specific mission from the UAV. According the functionalities of the TBG, the appropriate UAV configuration (platform, sensor, etc.) along with the flight plan will be prepared for execution.
Figure 1 UAV High-Level Diagram
2. Community Policing crowd sensing platform (ADDITESS)
The Community Policing and Crowd Sensing Platform (CPOL) an incident reporting and situational awareness tool used to provide collaborative real-time communication between agencies and members of the public. The CPOL tool is based on ADDITESS incident reporting and situational awareness tool, addTASK, which provides citizens the ability to report illicit and suspicious activity through a user-friendly smartphone application while authorities can be managed and coordinated through the web-based portal.
The main features of addTASK (CPOL) that will be available to the end-users and therefore will be demonstrated during the pilot phase of S4AllCities are:
· Instant reporting, prioritization and event management: The addTASK terminals allow for efficient incident reporting and event management through coordinated information delivery. The reporting procedure has been designed to allow accurate report filing in just a few clicks through user-friendly mobile and web terminals.
· Real-time progress tracking, task and message generation: The addTASK minimizes tedious repetitive tasks with the automated generation of messages and notifications upon the occurrence of relevant circumstances. Cases where users receive automated notifications involve the successful reception of a new report, the review of a report by a user with relevant updates as well as when a task is completed.
· Engage directly with agency operators through text, photos, video, audio: Citizens and authorities’ agents may communicate with each other, if granted with the relevant permissions, in various ways.
· Tactical level support and agency user’s incident assignment capabilities: Tactical teams that use addTASK will receive information on the proximity of human resources with respect to incidents for their efficient utilization.
· Operational insights, business intelligence, heat maps: Along with correlations that are performed in real-time, addTASK also analyses data and presents actionable information in the form of graphs and figures to help analysts and managers to make informed business decisions.
Figure 2 CPOL (addTASK) Conceptual diagram
Community Policing and Crowd Sensing Platform (CPOL) User Interfaces:
· Smartphone Application: The end-user terminal in the form of smartphone application will assist the citizens and authorities in several functionalities.
o Citizens: Through a mobile app (available for Android and iOS devices) citizens will be able to file a report and retrieve important information (notifications, broadcast messages) from the authorities.
o Authorities’ agents: With enhanced comparing with citizens functionalities, agents will be able to collaborate and proceed to incident management actions.
· Web-Portal Interface: Public Authorities (such as Municipality officers) can manage the incoming to addTASK information through the incident and resource management tool available through a web-portal interface.
Integration with S4AllCities:
Despite the fact that CPOL (addTASK) tool has its own user interfaces, the integration with S4ALLCities and visualization of events at COP will be achieved based on the event management logic. While the incidents (as a result of citizens reporting activity) can be managed at the CPOL User Interfaces, the portal operator will be able to share events.